Monday, March 12, 2007

Exempt From Military Service In Times Of Peace

Earlier today I was granted exemption from military service in times of peace due to health reasons, namely, my back is fucked up.

For background information, Finland has a conscription army, in which each able-bodied and able-minded man between the ages of 18 and 28 must serve for either 180, 270 or 362 days, as well as being an active member of the reserves until age 60. The service is voluntary for women.

I initially entered the service two years ago on January 10th 2005, serving for a total of 45 days until February 23rd, two days six of the oath and the completion of boot camp. I was discharged for two years due to the condition, and March 12th 2007 was set as a reevaluation day for me.

This morning at 9am I arrived at the Finnish Military Headquarters in Helsinki. To cut the story short. I waited, stood in line, showed my ID, got my service file, waited, spent a few minutes with the military doctor, spent a few minutes with a board of officers, waited, was escorted out of building, and went home. I came with a doctor's evaluation paper, marking me as unfit to serve in the military. I left with a piece of paper stating that I am unfit to serve. I also had received 7.20€ for bus money.

So, now with me never having to serve 6-12 months of my life in the military making as little as 3.60€ a day (15 cents an hour) in the first few months of service, I'm free to pursue my goals. University, here I come! (Guess I really should start studying...)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

100 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Year

Here's a link to an interesting list of 100 things we didn't know this time last year, from

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | 100 things we didn't know this time last year

Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Theme To My Opera Blog

Initially, I planned for my Opera Community blog ( to be merely photos and links to interesting things. These things happen when you have 5 different blogs, covering 5 different themes. I have practically forgotten about all my other blogs, and focused on HellBroadCast (, covering news articles, politics, and human interest issues. With this in mind, I am transforming my Opera blog into a duplicate of HellBroadCast, posting all articles on both blogs, mainly to attain a larger reader base, having realized that the Opera Community is expanding daily. So stay posted, because I have a lot of material in the works...