Thursday, February 8, 2007

My Wisdom Teeth

I had my two right-side wisdom teeth pulled last Tuesday. So I've been a bit on the grumpy side these past few days. I hate going to the dentist (who doesn't?). And I've gone to the dentist some 20ish times in the last year or so, to completely fix every little problem in my teeth. Not fun. The biggest problem I have with the dentist? The bloody anaesthesia. I hate needles. I really do. Especially in my mouth. (Even worse when they miss, and stuff the anaesthesia STRAIGHT into the fucking nerve.) At least I know the stuff is working cuz MY ENTIRE MOUTH IS NUMB WITHIN SECONDS!!! Anywho, this time I received not one, not two, but SEVEN anaesthesia shots. The actual pulling of the teeth wasn't that bad, but SEVEN?!?! The worst part is that sometime in the coming months I've gotta go get the other two wisdom teeth pulled. Oh boy, can't wait... It's not that it hurts for the next 2-3 days after the operation, it's just really uncomfortable. Not supposed to smoke at all during that time (yeah, that didn't really work out...). No physical exercise or strain (yeah, get to be lazy!!!). Lots of liquids and ice cream (Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, hallelujah!) So, in the end, not that bad of an ordeal, just don't wanna go through that again...

Wikipedia Article on Wisdom Teeth

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