Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Godfather

Don't expect to hear from me for some time, cuz I just went and bought The Godfather for the PS2, a semi-impulsive purchase. It put me back 59.90 euros, which is about the same as one 7-8 hour shift at work, one day's pay... Wasn't easy saying no to temptation when I really wanted the game, had the money to spare, and had my girlfriend Nora encouraging me to buy it... It's great to have a girl like her, someone who'll actually encourage their boyfriend to buy a video game. Hell, just two nights ago I got her interested in Doom, after watching Doom the movie on DVD. I'll let you know when I regain interest in a social life, one not of New York City, 1945-1955...

Friday, March 10, 2006

New Phone

I finally succumbed to the temptation to buy a new phone. Whilst taking my mp3 player back to the store to be repaired, I paused to browse the cell phones on display. I noticed that a phone I'd kinda wanted was on sale at an affordable price. So, the following day, wednesday, I returned to the store to buy it. So, right now I'm using my new Nokia 3230 Series 60 Symbian cell phone. It cost 270.90 euros, making it slightly pricey, yet affordable. I do have money, now I just have to be more careful and less spendthrift with my savings to save up the money to go to America this summer. I have some 600e saved up right now, with people owing me some 130e and I save 75e-200e a week, so I think I'll have the necessary money saved up by the beginning of July. Probably won't have the 3000e I initially had planned, but I'll have enough so spent two weeks in visiting Erik in Jacksonville, NC.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Trouble with Technology

I just took my Creative Zen Touch (20GB) mp3 player back to the store for repair. Spent a few days frantically searching for my warranty slip and receipt for it. I hope the warranty covers the problems with it. The actual player worked, there were just several nuisances with it, plus one major problem. If I pressed the NEXT (>>|) button too many times, the player would think I pressed Shuffle instead. Sometimes when I'd turn the player off, it would say 'Shutting Down', but it wouldn't. Sometimes when I turned it on, it would shut down again if I pressed any button. Sometimes it froze and I'd have to wait for the battery to die for it to work again. On top of all there nuisances, lately, just randomly, it decided to only play music through the right headphone, so in order to listen properly, I'd have to tweak the headphones by lifting them out of the socket to a particular 1/4 of a millimeter. So, in two weeks I'll get it back fixed, of I'll get a new one. Till then, I'm musicless...

Things That Piss Me Off...

Drunk, middle-aged men who think everyone is deeply interested in their lives... If you talk back to them, it encourages them to talk more. If you ignore them, it encourages them to talk louder to you. If you leave, they follow you. If you tell them to go away, they get pissed off. Their primary targets are young girls and anyone working in customer service. So utterly fed up with them. As if working in customer service wasn't dull and annoying enough, there's always these Emmy-award winners to ruin your day, or atleast your day until you can go on a break and have a stress-relieving cigarette and a cup of coffee...

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Project Under Work...

Customer service is one line of work, which is very misunderstood. On both sides of the cash register. I'm working on a set of rules or guidelines to ease working at a supermarket cash register as well as shopping at a cash register, just to maybe make someone's life slightly simpler, be it the customer's or the worker's. Having worked it customer service for several years now, I've faced a lot of nice customers and a crapload of annoying customers. Thus, I'm working on guidelines to ease everyone's life in this field. Even though I've only worked in Finland, there guidelines will be applicable all over the world, in supermarket big and small, even at other customer service lines of work, be it the restaurant world, a clothing shop or even a small store which sells random goods. So stay tuned!